About the work (in general)

Brigitte Broquet was born in 1958 in Departement Pas de Calais, a region in France in which the landscape and inhabitants alike were highly influenced by coal mining. After relocating to Germany, she quickly developed a strong connection to the industrial landscape of the Ruhr especially in and around Dortmund. For several decades she has observed the change that Dortmund’s artistic and cultural institutions have undergone in a city once rightfully known for its steel, coal and beer. She has observed the change in landscape in the urban outskirts of the Ruhr region with similar fascination.

Her artistic work is to be understood as a documentation of that change. This work the outcome of her observations and results from the philosophy that abstract painting is a process of reduction which transforms both visible representations and »the inner nature«. As a consequence her paintings develop new figurations that evoke an entirely un-objective, sensuous experience. Nonetheless the objective presentation in her work is of central importance.

About the work (ongoing)

The secret of the second image

The images are called shadows, because only in the dark a secret revealed in them and quasi it an image behind the image is what is just visible in the darkness.